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Ragged Mountain Dogs needs your help. While we would like for everyone who visits this website to adopt a needy dog, we realize that not everyone is able to do so. Sometimes rental agreements, allergies, travel schedules or other constraints make adoption impossible. There are many other ways for you to support our work with the dogs, though. Click on the links below to find out more about these opportunities to help:

Volunteer - If you can donate your time, we have need of volunteers for everything from assisting at adoption fairs to planning fundraising events. If you would like to volunteer on an irregular basis, we need helpers at our events throughout the year.

Financial Support - Financial assistance is an ongoing necessity. Without money, Ragged Mountain Dogs cannot fulfill its mission to rescue, rehab and rehome dogs in need. While we have a number of fundraising events throughout the year, we depend on the generosity of people like you to continue to provide care for the animals. To send a donation, mail to: Ragged Mountain Dogs 1415 Nethers Rd. Sperryville, VA 22740

Donate Dog Supplies - If you are unable to donate money, we can always use donations of food and pet supplies, such as

  • Avo or Lamaderm Dog Food (available at Weber's Pet Supermarket)
  • Leashes & Collars
  • Towels and Blankets
  • Carriers and Crates
  • Beds
  • Toys

    Please bring the items to one of our adoption fairs, email us at Info@RagMtK9.org , or call us to arrange for a pick-up or drop-off.

    Donate Other Items - No dog supplies to donate? How about that treadmill that sits in the basement collecting dust? Some of our dogs are trained to walk on a treadmill for exercise; this is especially useful when the weather is bad.

    We are also in need of a used cargo or passenger van to transport dogs to adoption fairs and events. It doesn't have to be pretty, but it does have to run, and be able to pass a Virginia state inspection.

    Gifts in memory/gifts in honor - Ragged Mountain Dogs welcomes donations made In Honor or In Memory of someone special in your life. Please include with your gift the name and address of the person you would like notified of your donation, along with the name of the person or pet being honored or remembered. Mail to the address above.

    Estate Planning - A bequest to Ragged Mountain Dogs through your Will or Trust helps ensure that we can continue to carry out our mission to rescue, rehab and rehome dogs in need.

    By remembering Ragged Mountain Dogs in your estate planning, you can leave a legacy that will benefit future generations of animals and help provide for our future work. The federal government encourages these gifts or bequests, by allowing an unlimited estate tax charitable deduction.

    There are various methods for making such a bequest.

    A specific bequest allows you to leave a specified gift in the form of a cash distribution. To make such a bequest use the following language: “I give, devise and bequeath to Ragged Mountain Dogs, 1415 Nethers Rd., Sperryville, VA 22740, the sum of (insert amount) to be used for its general purposes.”

    A residuary bequest allows you to leave a “remainder” of a percentage of your estate to Ragged Mountain Dogs. To make a residuary use the following language: “I give, devise and bequeath to Ragged Mountain Dogs, 1415 Nethers Rd., Sperryville, VA 22740, all (insert percentage amount) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, to be used for its general purposes.”

    A contingency bequest allows you to make a gift contingent on certain circumstances. To make a contingency bequest use the following language: “If any of the above-named beneficiaries should predecease me, I hereby bequeath his or her share to Ragged Mountain Dogs, 1415 Nethers Rd., Sperryville, VA 22740, to be used for its general purposes.”

    If you already have a Will, you can use the suggested wording to write a codicil (an addendum) that names Ragged Mountain Dogs a beneficiary of your estate.

    Shopping - Do you shop online? Book airline flights? Rent cars? Book hotels? Go through iGive.com and a percentage of the price will be donated directly to Ragged Mountain Dogs! iGive has over 400 merchants in its "mall," including United Airlines, Lands' End, Barnes & Noble, Home Depot, and even eBay! And when you sign up with iGive and then shop within 45 days of that time, an extra $5 will be donated. Just click on the link below: